Contact Information

Tortosa road, Km 1, 43550 Ulldecona (Tarragona)
tel. 977 720 279 - fax. 977 721 215
Privacy Policy
Through this website personal data necessary for the management and maintenance of some of our services is collected. These data are included in our files, which are conveniently registered in the Registry of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. Without prejudice to the purposes indicated in each case, such information will be stored and managed with due confidentiality, applying the computer security measures established in the applicable legislation to prevent access or improper use of your data, its handling, deterioration or lost. At any time you can exercise your rights of access, rectification or cancellation in relation to said data, directing your request to the address of the owner of the files. You can find forms for the exercise of your rights on the website of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

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